
Getting organized

For those of you who've been wondering, I've been getting my flat in London organized. Yes, I am still coping with many British "terms & conditions", but I have made lots of progress. The major remaining hurdle is to deal with the taxes.

Here are some pictures of things in my flat.

The picture above shows some of the toys I have knit.


risky mouse said...

Your place looks great. Nice to see all your stuff again. Are you glad you have it with you? The big monkey is beautiful.

TellingTales said...

Thanks. Yes, I am glad I have it. That's the Jeff Koons monkey towel I bought in Chicago last year. When are you coming for a visit?

Unknown said...

Hi Julie

I'm dying of boredom at home waiting for my work visa to be processed (been waiting about a month now), and I just started a blog! Here it is, if you want to take a look some time:
