A docent I met while I was at the Darwin exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum a couple of weeks ago invited me to attend a tour of the dinosaurs.

I had grumbled to her about how I missed the way the they had been displayed before everything was reworked after the Crystal was added to the building.

Marion, the docent, seemed to think I had thrown down the gauntlet with my statements. She wanted to convince me otherwise about the dinosaurs.

It was an excellent tour, despite the crowds. At the conclusion of the 45 minute walk through the galleries, Marion answered questions.

Marion taught biology in high school for 37 years and knows her stuff, but it was so crowded in the galleries that I couldn't hear everything over the racket of the kids and video display monitors.

I saw all kinds of beasts . . .

. . . and parts of beasts.

I didn't use a flash for any of the pictures I took in the museum.

Except when I went into the old bat cave afterwards.
The cave and bats seem to have been dusted recently. The museum seems antiseptic now. Pre-Crystal, the dinosaurs had their own special leafy environment.

Went for cafe latte and baklava afterwards.

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