
Donkey, can you spare a dime?

American Democrats living outside the United States now have the option of joining the DexPat Leadership Council to help spur their party to election victory.

It costs between US$2,500 and $26,700 to join depending on membership level.

The U.S. Democratic Party recently formed the council “to provide resources that will help Democrats win elections and get our country back on track, not least to regain its standing in the global community,” says a handout on the party’s website.

Members will receive emails, participate in global conference calls and attend an annual dinner in Washington, D.C. , the website says. They will also attend exclusive dinners and other events with top-level democrats.

So far, there are only 25 members, none of whom live in Canada, according to a DexPat insider who said he attended a dinner at which he spoke to President Bill Clinton.

“We’re just fortunate that we can afford the $5,000 to join,” the insider said.

Democrats Abroad, another organization for politically active Americans living outside the U.S., says on its website that it represents more than six million people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a member of Democrats Abroad, and its a greaet organization that justs me nothing! DUring the last election, they were strategic in mobilizing ex-pat Yanks living abroad, and the turnout here in Toronto was phenomenal. Now, if we only could find a candidate to take us all the way ...